Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Presidential Politics

I consider myself an intelligent person. I try to make informed, thoughtful decisions about important issues like choosing candidates for a position, selecting organizations to receive my donations, voting on issues. But I can't find it within myself to actually watch tonight's debate. It's drifting in and out of my consciousness. Although, to be fair to myself, I decided who to vote for some time ago. So the only real purpose to watching the debate is in the hope of ammunition against the other guy.


Unknown said...

Well... did you watch? What did you think?!

Crism said...

I *tried* to watch. But my attention kept drifting off. I apparently missed some of the best parts.

"That one" indeed! What the heck was he thinking?

...that's what she said said...

Did you catch the last debate?
I decided a while back as well, but I still watch. I really don't have a choice...I don't have cable :(

Crism said...

*snicker* I *watched* the debate, kind of. I muted the TV early one during a commercial and started reading and forgot to unmute the TV, even though I'd periodically look up from my reading and stare at the screen.

Actually, it was sort of interesting watching the body language of the participants without being distracted by the words.

Sally said...

Interesting way to watch the debate- I like to watch them on CSPAN because they don;t have anyone making comments or interrupting.