Friday, January 30, 2009

Final Thoughts - #23

Nope. I'm not dying. (At least not any faster than everyone else as far as I know.) But these are my last thoughts about the 23 Things lessons.

Overall, I enjoyed the lesson series. I'm definitely glad for the structure and motivation provided by this series. I've wanted to try my hand at blogging and learn about Delicious and RSS feeds and wikis for a while now. But it all seemed too overwhelming. These lessons have provided the push I needed. I'm grateful.

I'll be keeping up with several RSS feeds, and I'll probably continue with my blog. I like the opportunity to 'speak' my mind. (I'll see how long that lasts when I know that I no longer have anyone reading it! *grin*) I think I enjoyed GoodReads and YouTube the most. Those lessons were pure fun! The RSS feeds and the Flickr lessons will probably prove the most useful in my professional life.

There are several things I still don't see the appeal of though, like Rollyo or even the online image generators. (Maybe it's because I'm more of a verbal person. I got a kick out of some of the *text* generators I found. *g*)

Wikis are not for me. *makes face* It's not just that they're unstructured, it's mainly that I've spent many, many years in customer service and I've seen how often people destroy things just for the sake of destruction. Plus, I found the wikis I tried to use clunky and unresponsive.

I hope they run another 'discovery exercise' along similar lines. I would *definitely* like to participate. I think I learned a lot, and I enjoyed most of the effort.

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